Saturday, February 4, 2012

What is a doppelganger?

Is a doppelganger another being who is copying you, or is it you, but like replicated or something?What is a doppelganger?
an apparition or double of a living person.鈥?/a>

1. someone who looks like someone else

2. a spirit that some people believe looks like someone who is alive鈥?/a>

The coinage of the term Doppelg盲nger (commonly Anglicized as 鈥榙oppelganger鈥? is not certain, but it was a sufficiently unfamiliar term for the writer Jean Paul Richter to have to gloss it in a footnote to his novel, Siebenk盲s, of 1796. According to this founding definition Doppelg盲nger (literally 鈥榙oublegoer鈥? by contrast with the German Einzelg盲nger, or loner) is the name given to 鈥榩eople who see themselves鈥? It seems, then, that there is uncertainty from the start as to whether the apparently original self or its alter ego is the double in question. This indicates the fundamental level at which the phenomenon challenges conventions of identity, by making the self see itself double (or, more precisely, see itself going double, as a duplicate body which may go its own way).

Here are the first few words from the link below about what a doppelganger is.

A doppelganger is the ghostly or in some cases, a physical double of a living person. The word doppelganger is a loanword from German, written there (as any noun) with an initial capital letter Doppelganger, composed from doppel, meaning "double", and ganger, as "walker". In English, the word is conventionally not capitalized, and it is also common to drop the German diacritic umlaut on the letter "a" and write "doppelganger", although the correct spelling without umlaut would be "doppelgaenger".

The term has, in the vernacular, come to refer to any double or look-alike of a person, most commonly in reference to a so-called evil twin, or to bilocation.

Thankfully it is such a rare occurrence in all human activity and I'm guessing less than 1% of the earth have ever seen one in real life. Only movies will make it appear more common place but that's just the movies.

Most of the reports show it appears once but is never seen again.What is a doppelganger?
In fiction, folklore, and popular culture, a doppelg盲nger is a tangible double of a living person that typically represents evil.

Doppelg盲ngers are often perceived as a sinister form of bilocation and generally regarded as harbingers of bad luck. In some traditions, a doppelg盲nger seen by a person's friends or relatives portends illness or danger, while seeing one's own doppelg盲nger is an omen of death.What is a doppelganger?
just a sophisticated way to say AVATAR
astral body

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