Thursday, December 29, 2011

Who can explain how the monster represent's Frankenstien's Doppelganger?

I understand the definition of a doppelganger but I am confused of how this applies to Victor and the creature. Can anyone answer this?

Thanks!|||I do not believe any such thing. Victor was raised in a very privileged home. He was nurtured and loved. He created the Creature then heartlessly turned his back on it -- denying it the love and nurturing that a newborn needs and deserves. There is no way I believe that the Creature was the evil one. Victor was. Everything that follows the creation of the Creature can be traced directly to Victor. The Creature, once he was in the woods with the family and able to see a loving family and how they acted, was gentle, compassionate and eager to learn. He was nothing like Victor. In the end, he wanted nothing more than a female to share his life with--away from people who would never accept him. Victor heartlessly denied that to him and once again set in motion actions only he can be blamed for.

The Creature and Victor are not dopplegangers -- they are mirror opposites. Pax-C|||The monster shows the evil side of Victor. The truth is, the monster is initally kind and just desires to be loved, where Victor craves knowledge and manipulates life.

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